He was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina on October 3rd, 1975. When he was 6 years old, he begins to study guitar and then, at 11 he begins his studies at the Conservatorio Superior de Música Manuel de Falla. When he was 13 years old, he approaches the recorder and begins the studies career at the same institution. He has 3 degrees there: Maestro de Música; Profesor Artístico de Flauta Dulce and Postítulo de Intérprete de Flauta Dulce con especialización en Música Antigua y Contemporánea where he gets the gold medal with an average of 9.33 points.

In 1999 he travels to Florence, Italy, to study with David Bellugi at the Conservatorio Luigi Cherubini where he gets the degree Compimiento Inferiore. In 2006 he makes a postgraduate study about French Baroque Music and Contemporary Music with Kees Boeke at the Arts University of Zurich (Hochschule Musik und Theater Zürich), Switzerland, and he obtains the Nachdiplomkurs Schwerpunkt Blockflöte (maximum degree in Europe).

He gives concerts and master classes in many countries around the world: Argentina; Chili; Italy; Switzerland; France; Germany; Rumania; United Kingdom; Finland; etc. His research work The Recorder in Argentina was published for the specialized magazine Revista de Flauta de Pico (Spain), in Windkanal (Germany), in 4'33'' (Argentina) and also at the Recorder Home Page (Australia). Many composers made specially works for Gonzalo: Demian Rudel Rey (Francia); Juan María Solare (Germany); María de los Angeles Esteves (Netherlands); Srdejan Todorovic (Serbia); Denis Barthory-Kits (USA); Patricia Martínez, Luis Miholvicevic (Argentina); and many others.

On December 2011 he comes back to Buenos Aires after stay during 12 years in Europe. He gave recorder lessons at Conservatorio Superior de Música Astor Piazzolla in Buenos Aires, at Conservatorio Julián Aguirre (Banfield), Conservatorio Superior de Música Manuel de Falla (Buenos Aires) and at Instituto Municipal de Música de Avellaneda. At the moment he is Recorder Teacher and Conducts The Contemporary Ensamble at Conservatorio Alberto Ginastera (Morón); he is soloist at the Banfield Barroque Orchestra and he works in his studio with indivual and group lessons.

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